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Title IA Information & Documents

Below are documents and information about Title IA for Westview Elementary:

 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Complaint Procedures - Complaint-Procedures-ESSA.pdf

 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Complaint Procedures (Spanish) Complaint-Procedures-ESSASpanish.pdf

 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Complaint Procedures (Arabic) - Arabic-copyComplaint-Procedures-ESSA.pdf

 2024-2025 Westview School Parent Engagement Policy (PDF) -  2024-2025WVETitleIABuildingPlanPublicView.pdf

 Parent and Engagement Policy (IGBC) - PolicyIGBCPARENTANDFAMILYINVOLVEMENTANDENGAGEMENT09-13-2023.pdf

 Parent and Engagement Policy (IGBC) (Spanish)PolicyIGBCspanish09-13-2023_1.pdf

 Parent and Engagement Policy (IGBC) (Arabic) - PolicyIGBCArabic09-13-2023.pdf

 Title IA Parents' Right to Know Letter - 2024-25TitleIAParentsRighttoKnowLetter.pdf

Purpose of Title IA, II, III, and IV Programs at LSR7 - PurposeofTitleIA-IVprograms.pdf

 Westview Elementary K-5 School-Parent-Student Compact 2024-25 - WVESchool-ParentCompact24-25.pdf

 Westview Elementary K-5 School-Parent-Student Compact 2024-25 (Spanish)SPANISHcopyofWVESchool-ParentCompact24-25.pdf